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SCHOol Support
I'm Dr. Jeannie Gudith, Founder and CEO of JAG Consulting. We help you develop, improve, buy or sell your private school.
Accreditation shows potential students that you are an educational institution that has met specific standards and requirements set forth by an accredited organization. Obtaining accreditation can take a long time, but it is well worth the effort. In addition, having an accredited school will be beneficial when applying for grants or scholarships in the future and when seeking accreditation from other schools around the world.
Want to become an accredited school? Find step-by-step instructions on how to get through the process and maintain the lane. There are many valid options out there in the schooling field, but it’s not easy to see where your small business should start looking. Keep reading to learn what steps need to be taken to become an accredited school.
The self-study is a detailed analysis of the school’s programs and services. It’s completed by the school, not an outside agency like accreditation agencies or state licensing boards. This process aims to assess how well each program meets its standards and those set forth by accreditors or licensure boards.
The self-study may also include surveys that help you determine if there are areas where your school needs improvement. This ensures the school meets the requirements for continued approval from external sources.
Prepare for the on-site visit;
If you are preparing for a complete accreditation visit, these are some of the things that will likely be important:
You can use your constituents’ feedback to improve your school and ensure you get the right information.
The board of trustees is the accredited governing body in a school. It consists of a president and vice president responsible for daily operations. The board also has representatives from each department within the school, such as finance and admissions.
The benefits of having a board of trustees includes the following:
To become accredited, you must first receive approval from the Commission on Higher Education (CHED). This can take up to a year or two, depending on how quickly your school can process accreditation applications. Once CHED has granted accreditation, you must continue to hold onto this status by following its guidelines and requirements.
Accreditation is a long process, but it can have many benefits for your school:
By getting accredited, you will be able to market yourself as an educational institution that is reliable and trustworthy to the community. This will make it easier for prospective students to find out what kind of education they can expect from your school and how much it costs them.
The benefits of accreditation go beyond the classroom. When students feel safe and supported, they are more likely to succeed. They will have better attendance rates, improved test scores, and higher graduation rates. These things are essential because they ensure you get the most out of your education experience by giving everyone involved a positive experience that makes learning fun.
Accreditation also ensures that teachers’ salaries stay competitive in their respective regions or states to continue offering excellent services for all ages.
It helps you get funding from external sources like grants or loans, which means more money for other things like hiring faculty members or buying classroom equipment.
Accreditation is a credentialing process that allows schools to demonstrate they meet specific standards. It’s not a requirement and doesn’t guarantee quality or success. But it’s an integral part of the accreditation process because it helps students research their options and make informed decisions about where they want to go.
This means you get more for your money when you choose an accredited school over one that isn’t accredited. This can help pay for itself by saving you thousands over time on tuition costs.
Accreditation is a sign of quality, hence attracting quality personnel. Most employees look for accreditation when looking for employment opportunities.
These steps will help you become an accredited school, but it is essential to take them in order. The amount of work involved will vary depending on you and your current situation, but you should understand that accreditation isn’t a sign of any specific level of quality. Instead, it’s an acknowledgment that a school has passed specific standards.
Becoming accredited may not be easy, but it can be done. It takes a lot of time, money, time, and paperwork. Fortunately, at JAG Consulting Services, we maximize your needs to meet your school’s needs. Call us today to book your accreditation services.
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