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I'm Dr. Jeannie Gudith, Founder and CEO of JAG Consulting. We help you develop, improve, buy or sell your private school.
If you currently own a private school and you’re considering selling now, or in the future, you should know that many investors are interested in the private school niche. However, selling your school isn’t likely something you take lightly. It’s an incredibly challenging decision, and JAG Consulting Services is here to help.
Selling your private school requires a lot of, sometimes unexpected, preparation. At JAG Consulting Services, we’re experienced in private school sales and acquisitions, assisting our clients in ensuring that their school is ready for the sale process.
You want to get the best price for your school, and we can authenticate that your school is prepared to stand out in an oversaturated market. It’s imperative that you work with a sales team that will get you through the challenges of the experience, assuring that you get the best price for your institution.
Knowing the right time to sell your school can be a predicament, mainly because the timeline is usually long and somewhat drawn out. Assessing the timeline in accordance with placing your school for sale is crucial. You should align your sale with a time in your life that works for you, such as approaching retirement, demand from investors in an ever-expanding market, or increased profitability.
Multiple factors can affect the value of your school other than market competition. JAG Consulting Services will help you assess the following, so we can establish a tentative selling price.
It’s crucial to ensure that your school is on stable financial ground before placing it for sale. Concerns regarding income and unstable profit margins will significantly affect the sale price and possible legal matters or liabilities.
We will determine if your school has a strong standing in the current market, taking a close look at your reputation within your sector. If your school is in-demand, it will sell for more than others that are not.
If you’re facing any challenges with admission and enrollment, you should fix them now. You might scare away buyers looking to move more profits if you have considerable numbers and a waiting list. However, recruitment issues and low attendance can be just as challenging.
We’ll evaluate your human resources team, ensuring that you have the HR capabilities to handle your needs with a low turnover rate.
JAG Consulting Services will help you get your books in order, organize your paperwork, and understand your true profitability. We want your school to make the best first impression possible, and our industry experience will make that happen.
If you’re ready to get your team in the right place to handle the sale of your school and move forward with your market analysis, or you’re just curious regarding the value of your school, contact JAG Consulting Services today. We’re here to ensure you get the price you deserve for years of hard work and dedication.
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