Leadership plays an essential part in education as it fosters a positive school culture and inspires student success. While it’s evident that leadership is a fundamental factor in school reform and transformation, it’s also crucial to be familiar with the most effective and widely-used school leadership styles and select the right set of leadership styles that work for you and your organization. Here are the most effective leadership styles that will help you turn your regular school into a thriving educational institution.
Transformational Leadership Style
The transformational leadership style takes a collaborative approach. It enables collective goal setting as it allows school teams to contribute insights and even have a say in the decision making.
Transformational leaders use role modelling to promote innovation and create a sense of purpose among all the teams involved. With this kind of approach, transformational leaders can meet school visions and missions by providing instructional aide, developing team members with individual support, building collaborative relationships, and setting high-performance but achievable expectations. Researcher Bernard Bass indicates the four attributes of the transformational leadership style which include intellectual stimulation, individualized consideration, idealized influence, and inspirational motivation.
Instructional Leadership Style
Instructional leadership focuses on improving teaching quality to achieve student learning outcomes. School leaders who adopt this kind of leadership approach put their efforts mainly on the professional development of their teachers.
The instructional leadership style is quite a common approach that many schools use which involves planning, evaluating, coordinating, and improving the teaching and learning process. Since this approach requires working directly with teachers, teacher performance is often evaluated on a regular basis. Mentoring and coaching are also utilized to help improve and advance the teaching skills of the educators.
Constructivist Leadership Style
This style of leadership facilitates the learning process instead of directing it. This approach is an ideal style since it gives learners the freedom to control their own learning while the teachers are only there as facilitators, ensuring that the learners are guided in the whole process.
Constructivism acknowledges that each learner is unique and processes lessons through their own capacity. It prioritizes customized teaching approaches while taking into account the individual needs of every learner.
Constructivist leaders promote knowledge as a process. They encourage teachers to use reflective practices as part of the learning processes for the students and peers to share ideas, explore others’ insights, and challenge different perspectives. Unlike the instructional leadership style which manages the teachers’ pedagogies, constructivist leadership doesn’t dictate how instructions should be delivered.
Strategic Leadership Style
Strategic leadership puts emphasis on long-term planning. Strategic leaders use analysis, monitoring, and evaluation to assess the current performance of the school and plan specific strategies to improve future results. Strategic leaders create frameworks, prepare resources, set up interventions, and maintain systems for school transformation.
Effective school leadership is the foundation of a successful school. It’s quintessential for providing learners with high-quality education. While leadership plays an important role in your school’s success, it’s also a good idea to get private and independent school consulting services from experienced school consultants. With the right leadership and the right strategy in place, any organization is bound to thrive and flourish.