Each month you will receive a 60-minute strategy call to discuss what you are working on and ask questions to the JAG team.

Monthly strategy + Planning call


In between calls, you will be able to submit questions via our client Q+A support system.




You will receive our school improvement templates as a part of your 3-month support package.

School Improvement Templates




How can JAG CONSULTING support my school?

JAG consists of experienced professionals who can provide assistance for any project related to private schools. Our team works closely with you and your staff to provide guidance throughout the completion of your project. With expertise in virtually every aspect of private schools, we are your one-stop solution for any queries you may have. Engaging a private school expert can save you both time and money, ensuring that your project is accomplished efficiently and within budget.

What is the benefit of hiring a consulting firm?

Collaborating with a private school expert can help you save valuable time and money, guaranteeing the efficient and cost-effective completion of your project. Think of the ease of having an expert readily available to promptly and effortlessly respond to all your questions.

What is the INVESTMENT and what is included?

As specialists in education, we acknowledge the financial constraints that private schools frequently encounter. Therefore, we provide top-notch services at a reasonable cost. Our service fee is $1,500 for a 5-hour consulting package.

Do you offer a complimentary introductory call?

Absolutely, you can arrange a 15-minute discovery call. In order to schedule a call, you will need to fill out the Services + Pricing Guide. Once you have filled out the form, you will be sent an email to schedule your call. During this call, we will discuss your school's requirements and explore how we can provide assistance.

What is the level of experience of your consultants?

Our consultants are seasoned educators who all have over 20 years of experience in the education sector. At JAG Consulting, we offer highly skilled consultants in various areas of expertise within the education domain.

What outcomes can I anticipate by engaging an education consultant?

Our clients have achieved their objectives in several ways, such as acquiring accreditation, SEVIS certification, UC Doorways course adoptions, strategic planning, and more. We assist you in setting targets and implementing strategic decisions that facilitate the advancement of your school's growth.

What can we discuss during your CONSULTING HOURS?

Your consulting hours can be used for any project related to a private school where you require assistance. This includes strategic planning, accreditation procedures, SEVIS certification, UC Doorways, manual/handbook updates, enrollment planning, professional development planning, annual planning, budgeting, growth modeling, school development support, curriculum development, or even general check-ins and Q&A support as and when needed.

How can I reach out to someone when I need support or have a question?

You are able to ask questions during your monthly call via Zoom. You can submit the questions you have in between calls via our question submission process, which is included in your school improvement service. We will answer your questions submitted within 48 business hours.

our clients are raving about us

"Jeannie was very patient, thorough, and prompt in providing us all of the answers and resources we needed to prepare for our school’s launch. Thank you!"

Deborah Posner, Ed.D., MBA, Executive Vice President Cyber Tech High School

"As a consultant and board member for our schools, she advises us on many aspects of various projects and then manages the projects from ideation through execution. Ms. Gudith builds strong relationships and ensures successful project outcomes."

Wayne Gan, Board of Directors
Oak Crest Academy

"Ms. Gudith and I have been working together to build an international school in Korea. She has been an integral component of this extensive project. Ms. Gudith has brought immeasurable insight and guidance to our team. I would highly recommend her services."

Dhe Hyun You, CEO
Dove Crest International

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